How To Market A Web Application And Get More Users?

Creating your web app is not enough, you also need a plan to promote it. In this competitive

era, you need to spend as much time promoting your product as you have spent on

developing it. 

When there is a huge variety of web apps available then how do people know about your product? Well, it depends on how well you market your app. You should take measures to increase your web app visibility among the audience. 

Marketing your app will increase the chance of people getting aware of your application. Here you will learn about the marketing strategy that will bring your brand to the next level.

Pre-Launched Or Awareness Stage

This stage occurs before the launch of your web app. In this stage, the strategies are made to build your brand awareness and visibility to attract more users. 

But how do you discover your target audience? It is important to understand where your brand will stand before getting into the building process. 

For this, you can follow these steps.

Release date

First of all, decide the launching date of the application. For this, you also have to consider all the possibilities that may occur. 

Have a look at the other events that are happening during your launching date. If they have the potential to overshadow your app, it is wise to delay the launching ceremony.

Research Your Target Audience

The second most important thing is to do research on the likes and dislikes of your target audience. The best way to get more engaging customers is to touch the pinpoint of your target audience. Provide the solution to their problems through your web app.

Make User Personas

Thirdly, search about the demographic of your target audience. Make the user personas include their interests. Knowing whom they are following, will help you understand their likes and dislikes. 

Complex Analysis Of Competitors 

Do complete research about your competitors and their offers and prices. Also, research the pros and cons of their product. It will help you in building an error-free improved version of the project that already exists in the market.  

The Acquisition Stage

The acquisition stage is based on attracting new audiences to engage more users. At this stage, you can create awareness about your brand through the following strategies. 

Promotion Through Ads 

To promote your web app, you can use different platforms. There is a large number of varieties that can be considered. 

In-App Purchase

There are some sites available on which you can place paid advertisements for your brand. These sites have specified a special space to place paid ads. 

To contact such a site you can join AdMob from Google to get these services. You can also choose between your desired format of Banners, video, full-screen, playable, and rewards ads. 

Google Ads

With the help of google ads, you can advertise your application in the Google search engine as well as on the web. It is a kind of PPC (Pay per click) advertisement. In which you only have to pay for the ad when someone clicks on your ad. 

Facebook Ads

Just like Google, you can also use Facebook to place your ads. Unlike Google, Facebook ads are based on the user's interest rather than keywords. Facebook ads can appear on desktop, mobile, Instagram, and messenger. 

SEO Optimization 

To get high visibility for your app, you need to get a high ranking in the Google search engine. Making your web app SEO-friendly will increase your 10% high ranking on Google.

The basic factors that make your web application SEO Optimized are given below. 

Web Application Name

The web app is the first thing the user can see. This would have a great impact on your user. They will remember the app with its name. 

After reading the name they will decide whether they are downloading your app or ignoring it. So the name should be unique and attractive to fulfill the purpose of SEO.  

App Icon

This is the graphical visual effect that is associated with your application. It will help people to memorize your app, so it should be attractive and eye-catching, so people can remember your app. 


The keyword is one of the basic features to make the application search engine optimized. There are several tools available to find out keywords related to your web application title. Use these keywords in your title or description high ranking.

Retention Stage

Once you have acquired enough users, the next step is to engage them. Because if the users are not engaged the app is of no use. You need a plan, for retention marketing to build a lifelong audience. 

You can take the following measures. 

Social Media 

Try to keep in touch with it regularly through social media apps. Also, maintain your social media profiles to attract more users. The more you are active on social media the more visitors you can engage. 

Try to be conversational which will develop users' interest in your page and are convinced them to use your product. 

Social media gives you a great chance to gain popularity among all communities and across borders. As you learned before, you can promote your app through social media ads that are paid but social media accounts are totally free. 

You do not have to pay a single penny to use these accounts or get active among your followers. So it is one of the cheapest ways to attract more audiences. 

You can share your content on the following platforms to increase your users freely.

  1. Facebook

  2. Twitter

  3. Instagram

  4. Tiktok

Communicate with Users

Use two-way communication strategies to increase customers' interest in your web app. Consider their reviews and feedback to make them feel cared about. Also, respond to negative feedback and respond accordingly. 

Push Notifications

Push notifications have been seen to be the best tool for user engagement growth. This is the best way to remind your users of how long they have not been using the app. You can also inform them about upcoming offers through these notifications. 

Website and Landing Page

Creating an interesting landing page is another way of marketing. A well-designed and user-friendly landing page will catch more audiences. 

You can add your social media links, the benefits of the web app, rates, and user reviews. Similarly, you can mention your company name, the services that you are providing there, and also your customer’s feedback. 

There is another way to show people’s interest in your app by mentioning the website links that have mentioned your app. It will increase your application authority.

Last but not least you can add your contact information there so interested people can get your services. 

Content Marketing Plan

By providing helpful content, you encourage people to come to your site. Through content in the form of articles, infographics, or videography, you can engage your users. 

If they find that you are sharing useful content on your site, they might be interested in your company, services, and products. You do not have to stick to topics related to your application, you can serve your audience according to their interests. 

For this, you have to get involved in the market to see what others are writing and then implement their strategies into your site to generate more users. 


After learning about all the above-mentioned strategies, you can conclude that web application marketing is necessary for the progress of apps. 

These promotions do not demand a big amount. The right software integration services can make a better marketing plan. Just the right strategies at the right time can make good revenue. 

If you are confused about how to start and how to get more users and achieve good growth. Then these marketing plans can convert your ideas into reality. With help of these, you can set your feet in this competitive market.


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