Top Things to Remember When Developing A New Web Application

From Google to Facebook, Trello, Instagram, and eCommerce, web apps have a special space in our lives. These web apps have improved the relationship between businesses and customers. 

Since most of the brands have started showing their interest in developing web applications for their business. A large number of entrepreneurs started investing their time and resources in this field to increase their revenue. 

However, it is not easy in such a challenging environment. It has become necessary for a web developer to consider some major things while developing a web application. This is the only way to produce some worthwhile product in the markets. 

Here we will be going through some top factors to remember for developing a web application.


Having a clear understanding of web app ideas and the desired output is necessary. Explaining the required input and work to your client is a different thing. Both client and service provider should have on the same page. 

Larger companies can easily have a grip on what is required to create a web app but smaller organizations may underestimate the potential required in delivering a web app. 

For this, it's better to have clear project scope documentation. So that, not even a single point left. The documentation varies according to the complexity of the project. In general, it includes

  1. Objective

  2. Descriptions

  3. User Personas 

  4. Functionalities

  5. Wireframes

  6. Technology Stacks

  7. Methodologies or frameworks

  8. Project Personnel 

  9. Calendar


The project delivery time depends upon multiple other factors such as budget, technology stack, complexity, and features of the project. The more complex the project idea is the more time it will take to complete.

It can be categorized as follows: 

Degree of Complexity

Number of Person-Hours

Time Duration

Basic web app

400-800 person-hours

2 to 3 months

Mid-Level web app

800-1200 person-hours

3 to 6 months

Complex web app

At least 1200 hours 

6 months or more


Finding the exact figure of cost is difficult as it varies according to project complexity. The time limit provided by the client can also affect the development budget. 

It is a good choice to contact a mobile application development company for an estimated cost of web app development. So that you can plan your budget accordingly. To get an idea about the required budget, the following factors should be taken into account. 

  1. Hosting

  2. Analytics

  3. Third-Party Payments

  4. Customer Support

  5. Maintenance

  6. Marketing Expenditures 

  7. Other 

Technology Stacks

Choosing the right technology stack is one of the major factors included in successful web application development. 

With the availability of a large number of programming languages, frameworks, servers, and libraries the choice may become more challenging. With the right development partner, you can select the best option. 

Attractive Design

You need an interactive and exceptional web application design to attract more users. The vibe and typography of your web app should be built according to your target audiences. 

Easily accessible functionality will engage more users and make your app more appealing, appreciated, and loved. 


Design should offer a positive user experience (UX). It means how users will feel about the application while using it. It will include how simple it is and how quickly users can perform actions. 

How easily it can be remembered to use its functions and how well it can provide the expected functionalities. These key features can be categorized as learning, efficiency, memorizing, and functionality. 

If your web app page is complicated and includes many options, users will get confused and will, unfortunately, leave your app. They may leave negative feedback that results in an adverse effect on your app. 

Developers should talk to their potential users through feedback to improve the quality of the web app. So that they can identify the flaws and weaknesses of the web app. Further, they can use these suggestions to correct the app and improve its functionality. 

Speed and performance

According to Google, the bounce rate increases when page loading time takes one to three seconds. It means that the performance of the page depends upon the page speed. Also, it is crucial for a successful web app. 

Page speed depends upon the tech stack, content, and architecture of the web app. Constant testing will help to reduce page loading time and improve the application’s functionality.  


It is one of the major factors that should be taken into account when developing a web application. 

You do not know how much your traffic will increase in the future. And what new trends will be introduced in upcoming years? What new standard will require for functioning? 

To handle all these, you need to choose the right tech stack that is designed for scalability and flexible enough. So that you can update and optimize your app according to future requirements.   


web apps can store the customer's personal information to provide them with effective services. This data is at risk, hackers can use this information for cyberattacks. 

To overcome this flaw, invest in your security measure as well. Test your web app regularly to reduce the chances of hacking. Also, introduce the best security tools to ensure data safety. 

SEO Optimized 

In order to attract more users, make sure that your app is always optimized according to changing search engine algorithms. 

Following the best SEO practices is the only way to increase your web app traffic. It can be done by improving page loading speed, ensuring responsiveness, quality content, and structured web architecture. For this, you can get help from API consulting services to bring a better product to the market. 

Wrapping Up

Web applications can play a significant role in business growth. If you follow the right steps to ensure the functionality of your web app, it will surely bring success to your brand today and in the future. 


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